Empower your guests to book directly from

Your Website with RoomStay RoomRate

Empower your guests to book directly from

Your Website with RoomStay RoomRate

The hotel industry see the booking engine and the hotel website as two different products. We at RoomStay know this is wrong

Customers want to book their rooms quickly and easily, without having to jump through hoops or leave your website.

With RoomStay RoomRate, customers can perform availability searches directly from your hotel room pages, quickly and effortlessly dropping them right into the conversion funnel.

Fresh Content Automatically

In addition to providing an effortless booking experience for your customers, RoomStay RoomRate also helps to keep your website content fresh and relevant. 

RoomRate provides additional on-page content that is constantly being updated, which can help to improve your website's search engine ranking and increase the chances of displaying pricing schema on search results.

We understand the importance of creating a unique and memorable experience for your guests, and our RoomRate is designed to do just that. Whether you're looking to streamline your booking process, improve your website's on-page content, or simply provide an exceptional customer experience, RoomStay RoomRate is the solution you've been looking for.

Join the Direct Booking Revolution with RoomStay

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