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Hotel Marketing
June 21, 2024
Designing a Seamless User Journey from Search to Stay
Discover how RoomStay enhances your hotel's direct bookings with SEO, Local EAT, detailed room pages, RoomRate, and the Guest Portal
Hotel Marketing
May 23, 2024
Essential Hotel Business Terminology: A Comprehensive Guide
Hotel Marketing
March 28, 2024
Unveiling the Impact of UX on Hotel Revenue | RoomStay
Discover how superior UX design in hotel websites enhances guest experience and boosts booking conversions for revenue growth
Hotel Marketing
October 4, 2023
Increase Hotel Revenue: Essential Principles for Every Hotelier
Hotel Marketing
October 4, 2023
Increase Direct Bookings: The Definitive Guide for Modern Hotels
Increase direct bookings and boost hotel revenue with RoomStay. Discover tools tailored to optimise guest experience and maximise conversions.
Hotel Marketing
June 14, 2023
Understanding the Impact of the EU's Digital Markets Act on Hotels
In this post, we unravel the EU's Digital Markets Act, its implications for hoteliers, and its influence on direct bookings, shedding light on why industry professionals should understand its potential impact.
Hotel Marketing
May 24, 2023
What is Hotel Rate Parity: The Essential Guide
In this article, we'll explore the concept of hotel rate parity in more detail and discuss why it's essential for hoteliers to maintain consistency across all distribution channels.