Reduce service calls and heighten user experience

RoomStay GuestPortal

Reduce service calls and heighten user experience

RoomStay GuestPortal

The Ultimate Online

Guest Portal Solution

While guests expect a memorable in-person experience at hotels, they equally anticipate a flawless online journey. RoomStay GuestPortal has been crafted keeping both these imperatives at its core.

Convenience is king in today’s fast-paced world. With RoomStay GuestPortal, guests are provided with the ultimate convenience – the ability to modify their reservations with just a few clicks. Say goodbye to long customer service calls and hello to a smoother, more efficient process.

What you'll get ?

One-Click Checkout

Improve the guest booking experience with our one-click checkout. Let your guests book and pay for their stay swiftly, ensuring their online journey is as comfortable as their stay in your hotel.

More Than Just a Booking Tool

While the guest enjoys the simplicity, RoomStay RoomPortal provides hotels with deep insights and valuable data, enabling you to offer personalized services and special offers tailored to individual preferences.

Reduce Customer Service Strain

Allow your staff to focus on what they do best—providing unparalleled in-house services. With the GuestPortal's intuitive design, guests can effortlessly modify their bookings, decreasing the demand on your customer service resources.

Industry Trusted.

Guest Approved.

These popular hotel brands are using RoomStay platform to maximise their hotel web direct bookings.

Join the Direct Booking Revolution with RoomStay

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