Answer to OTAs' Fenced Pricing Strategy

Member Only Deals

Unlock Exclusive Offers for Your

Loyal Guests

Offering exclusivity in the hotel industry can transform occasional guests into loyal patrons. RoomStay Member Only Deals is our answer to OTAs' fenced pricing strategy. By providing exclusive rates and packages to members who sign up, hotels can not only prioritise and reward their most devoted customers but also draw in potential guests eager for VIP treatment.

By introducing Member Only Deals, you not only prioritise your most loyal guests, but also incentivize others to join the exclusive circle. With future restrictions on 3rd party cookies, having direct access to your loyal clientele through first-party targeting becomes invaluable.

What Roomstay Solves Image

Unlock Exclusive Offers for Your

Loyal Guests

Offering exclusivity in the hotel industry can transform occasional guests into loyal patrons. RoomStay Member Only Deals is our answer to OTAs' fenced pricing strategy. By providing exclusive rates and packages to members who sign up, hotels can not only prioritise and reward their most devoted customers but also draw in potential guests eager for VIP treatment.

By introducing Member Only Deals, you not only prioritise your most loyal guests, but also incentivise others to join the exclusive circle. With future restrictions on 3rd party cookies, having direct access to your loyal clientele through first-party targeting becomes invaluable.

Highlights for Hotels

Future-Proof Your Strategy

With upcoming third-party cookie restrictions, grow your first-party database for direct, impactful marketing.

Leverage Exclusive Data

Our findings indicate that users signing up for member pricing are more prone to convert, and when they do, they bring in a higher Average Order Value

Cultivate Guest Loyalty

By offering exclusive deals and packages, you don't just attract guests – you create advocates. A dedicated loyalty program ensures that guests return, time and time again, building a strong and dependable customer base.

Unlock First-Party Insights

While OTAs lean on fenced pricing, RoomStay Member Only Deals empower you to access invaluable first-party data from loyal guests. It's not just about offering better prices; it's a strategy ensuring higher Average Order Values and fostering deeper guest relationships.

Step Ahead with RoomStay

Harness the power of exclusive member benefits and watch your direct bookings soar. Create a culture of loyalty and make every guest feel like a VIP

Join the Direct Booking Revolution with RoomStay

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